Glowie Intro

Unleash the next level of automation

Get in, get ahead, and get paid

Say hello to Glowie.

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Who says making money should be hard?

With Glowie, optimizing your chances in instant win games and online raffles becomes a walk in the park. Our sophisticated platform demystifies the intricacies, enhances your odds, and provides you with insights to elevate your game. Bid farewell to missed opportunities and embrace the Glowie edge.

Everything you need.
Nothing you don’t

Automation management and visibility in one place. Experience a flexible toolkit that makes every task feel like a breeze.


Insights at Your Fingertips

View a detailed breakdown of your performance and others, to gain valuable insights to help you.

Glowie Secure Local Storage

Secure Storage

We store your integration and personal data directly on your device.

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Glowie In-App Community

In-app Community Chat

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You’re in control

You choose when and where you want to run each automation script.

See where automation can take your bank account.

The first automation tool you'll love. The last one you'll need.